Grilled Cheese

Makes 3 servings


6 slices of whole wheat bread
garlic powder (to taste)
3oz shredded cheddar


  1. put three stacks of paired bread slices on a large place
  2. One at a time, open each pair of bread slices and sprinkle garlic on the bottom slice.
  • Sprinkle enough garlic that you can see it's on the bread, but not enough that it's solid yellow
  • Repeat with the cheese
    • Add enough to make a solid layer about 1/4" thich
  • Turn on the George Forman Grill (or equivalent)
  • Microwave the bread for a minute
  • Once the grill is warm, put the not-grilled cheese sandwiches on the grill for 2 minutes
    • At the end of two minutes the bread should be nicely grilled
    • Longer than two minutes and the cheese will start to run

    Goes well with tomato sauce soup

    From: ChefM53