Egg Bread Bowls

Makes 2 servings
Prep: 15 min, Cooking time:15 min, Total: 30 min

1 Crusty bread (or 2 bread bowls)
1/2 tsp
1/4 tsp
4 oz
Cheese (reserve a little to sprinkle on top)
2 stalks (or 2 cloves)
Scallion (or garlic)
onions, pepper, ...
sundried tomatoes, diced

Anything else you'd like in your eggs.

  1. Preheat oven to 350dF
  2. Cut the loaf of bread in half
    When cutting the bread in half, cut four thin slices of bread (about 2" total) from the middle and set a side for a future meal.
    Carefully hollow out with a spoon (no holes) and place in a small bowl that will keep it upright.
  3. Split the all ingredients between two bowls, combine two eggs, salt, milk, salt pepper, ... (reserve a little cheese to go on top)
  4. Pour a bowl egg mixture into a half loaf sprinkle most of remaining cheese on top
  5. Artfully arrange a few pieces of cheese on top of the bread
  6. Repeat with other half loaf/bowl
  7. Place loaves in oven for 12 minutes (top of crust should be golden brown when done).
  8. Remove from oven and microwave for 3 minute or so (to make sure eggs are fully cooked).
  9. Allow to cool for 5 minutes (for bowl to be safe to handle)

photo of baked eggs